Political Consulting
Electing Democrats locally, statewide and nationally.
Our Capabilities


TV & Radio Production
Media Affairs
Digital Advertising

Research & Polling

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Voter Targeting
“This is about…”
This Get-Out-The-Vote (GOTV) ad was one of a series in a digital campaign we produced for the 2019 General Election in Loudoun County, Virginia. All of the campaign’s targeted candidates in Loudoun were victorious — a historic win for Democrats up and down the ballot there.
CCF Virginia
Partner Thomas Bowman co-founded the Competitive Commonwealth Fund (CCF) PAC in 2016 after his extensive data analysis showed that Republicans spend 8:1 against Democrats when running for reelection in safe Republican state legislative seats. CCF recruited 15 Democratic candidates and provided startup campaign funds to spread out Republican defenses in the 2017 election for the Virginia House of Delegates. The PAC forced the GOP to spend an estimated $1.8 million dollars that they would not have otherwise spent, softening the GOP lines of defense for Democrats leading up to their historic victory that year. Here is some of that work.
Recent Campaigns